Thursday 14 February 2013

Further Corrections

I find that, as I keep adding more aspects to my contents page, the more it looks professional. In this session, I decided that the 'concerts and competitions' part didn't have a good effect, so I deleted the orange box (I found it really unprofessional) and realised that I perhaps need this part of the page to blend in with my actual contents itself. Above this, I added the section 'names in lights', to make the page even more authentic to the masthead (I chose the name Lights to resemble stardom in the music industry).

On the bottom right-hand side of the page, I decided to add a lightly coloured background to my 'Follow us' section. I chose the colour blue because it fitted in with the rest of the page's colour scheme and wasn't too harsh on the eye, but at the same time it draws in the reader because it stands out. With this, I changed the font so it gave off yet more professional, retro appeal. I also added lines to draw off each individual section of the page, and added shadowing to the photos for a more effective outlook.

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