Thursday 21 February 2013

Nearly completed Contents Page

From my previous draft of this particular page, I feel as though I have added far better elements that would be apparent in a general music magazine. The main aspect which I have changed is the "10th Collector's Edition" to "Collector's Competition"... When analysing realistic contents pages of magazines, there usually is always a part in which a competition is featured, however big or small it is. I thought that, because this is a collector's issue, I would make the competitions of importance and use well-known artists from across the globe....
So for this part, I have used the band, Linkin Park, and the pop-artist, Katy Perry. I am aware that these artists are extremely different in their music genres; but I wanted to create a magazine that appealed to many audiences of around teenage years to late 20's. When you see music magazines, they're all mostly adapted to the pop genre on its own, or heavy rock... I wanted to have a mixture of artists within mine, because like myself, I am sure there's tonnes of people who have a very mixed taste in music of today.
I have realised when analysing this that, in my general contents, the text is the same font but in different sizes; I shall change that promptly and upload a newer version.

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