Sunday 17 February 2013

Contents Page Additions

 So far, this is my contents page and it seems to be coming together all the more. I've added print-screens of the additions I have done below.
Firstly, I added - in between the cover shot and the main feature - the issue number of the magazine, the '10th collector's edition' feature as well as who 'photographed' and 'styled' the shoots. These are all fictional but I find that they make the contents page seem further more realistic.
I also added a page number to the main feature of my magazine, so it would be easier for reader's to go directly to that article.
I also filled in the rest of the general contents part, which is mostly filled with real artists but I have also included some fictional ones of my own as well. I am aware that the font size varies; I shall make amends to that but for now this is somewhat like a preview.
Instead of having a 'concerts and competitions' feature, I decided to add something which fitted in with the magazine more, which was further more 'selling' the fact that it is a tenth collector's edition. So for this, I may add in what especially is featured for a collector's issue, what readers can get involved with and perhaps more artist's and competitions that tie in with the theme of this particular magazine.

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