Sunday 17 February 2013

Front Cover Finish (?)

I decided to add a few more subtitles to my front cover page to make the outlook more like an actual magazine that someone would buy from a shop. For now, I think I am done with this page as I have added all that I want to it, and I've kept the colours and theme minimalistic yet with an original appeal to it. Although there is one side that doesn't have anything added to it, I still think the cover is tied in professionally with the rest of the aspects/elements on the page, such as the masthead, cover model, main sell-line etc...

The three subheadings which I have added all tie in with the headings in the colour white, so I have made the subheadings red to draw in the reader and to create a sense of style. Although they may not be able to be seen properly on Photoshop, I printed out this cover to be able to see if I could understand the wording and I could; meaning if it was a real magazine people would obviously understand the headings when reading it.

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