Thursday 14 March 2013

Second Draft of DPS

I really feel as though my DPS is coming together; I have kept the page numbers and collector's edition theme consistent on the bottom, and with the simplistic colour scheme, I decided to make 'Robyn' and 'Ellie' in a deep red because it stood out further.
I have also made the interview parts where Ellie speaks, one font size bigger than of Robyn's, to make it subliminally stand out a tiny bit more. I have also changed the layout of my interview, so the white space could be filled with images or enlarged important quotes from the singer.
I added 'Original Rock, Original Roll' as part of my title for the DPS, as it tied in well with the overall theme of the magazine. I know that I have a range of artists featured in my magazine, but this particular one had a sub-heading of 'ROCK STAR STATUS', therefore I thought it would be appealing to have something similar in the title of the singer's interview.
For now, I have added the sub-heading 'Music Editor, Robyn, meets her idol, Ellie Rose...' I found that this was a good way of tying in both the editor and the singer; it makes it seem more realistic that this vocalist could possibly be the idol of people across the globe.

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