Thursday 14 March 2013

First Draft of DPS

To begin with my DPS, I decided to use the colours red, black and white so the theme is consistent throughout all of the pages. I added the title 'Success has never been so sweet' because I felt that the added alliteration made it sound ever more catchy. Through editing the font to Lemondrop and adding a shadow against it, the bubbly, retro theme came forward even more. I added a ruler to 'slice' through the middle of my screen so I knew where the crease would be in a genuine magazine.
Usually, at the beginning of a magazine, or even a novel for example, the first letter of the introductory paragraph is bold and big, it captures the reader's attention. I decided to use the same font, Lemondrop, for the 'T' to make it seem quirky and professional.
I added page numbers to the bottom too to make it seem more like a realistic magazine, added 'Collector's Edition' to remind the reader of the magazine's importance, and added a 'News' feature in the top right-hand corner so the theme of the DPS stood out further.

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