Thursday 28 February 2013

Finished Contents Page (?)

After making further minor corrections on my contents page, I find that it looks rather complete and to a good standard; I have kept the same colour scheme from the front cover; mostly reds and monochrome colours for an original, authentically retro appeal. The only other colour really that stands out is the light blue box; but I needed a different colour for this particular aspect because it makes the contents page look far more appealing and not bland.

The corrections which I have made are mostly on the collector's competitions part... I decided to add in an image that I took from a gig in 2010 of Linkin Park's frontman, Chester Bennington. I chose this because I found that it 'merged' the two competitions together (considering I had my image of both Katy Perry and an image I took of Paris in 2010 behind her as well).

I tried to keep the writing simple and minimalistic because I am trying to make it look like a contents page as much as I can possibly do so. So, catchy slogans instead of lengthy paragraphs is far more effective on this page and I have stuck to this method of appeal.

Previously, I said that the font was a different size, but I realised I had two different fonts entirely, so I found the correct font - "Omnibus" which has a retro theme - and made sure that all of the artist had this style and size.

Time Management

From today, I am aware that there's only THREE weeks left until I have to complete all of my magazine pages. So far, I find that I am on task; I (think) that both my contents page and my front cover of my magazine are completed, but I intend to get peer assessment from others in my class just to be sure that they both have a professional outcome. For now, I have started my double page spread, but haven't got a draft for such just yet. In the oncoming weeks, I plan to have this completed and done to a high standard of work.

My plan until the deadline is to mainly focus on my double page spread; I need to collect images and think of a great 'interview' or story about this fictional artist for my magazine. Other than this, I should concentrate on making my blog full of posts that continue to show my progress. I think that, so far, my blog is up to date, but I need to expand on how I present my media elements; perhaps videos and podcasts would be better than the usual print-screens and JPEG images...

Thursday 21 February 2013

Nearly completed Contents Page

From my previous draft of this particular page, I feel as though I have added far better elements that would be apparent in a general music magazine. The main aspect which I have changed is the "10th Collector's Edition" to "Collector's Competition"... When analysing realistic contents pages of magazines, there usually is always a part in which a competition is featured, however big or small it is. I thought that, because this is a collector's issue, I would make the competitions of importance and use well-known artists from across the globe....
So for this part, I have used the band, Linkin Park, and the pop-artist, Katy Perry. I am aware that these artists are extremely different in their music genres; but I wanted to create a magazine that appealed to many audiences of around teenage years to late 20's. When you see music magazines, they're all mostly adapted to the pop genre on its own, or heavy rock... I wanted to have a mixture of artists within mine, because like myself, I am sure there's tonnes of people who have a very mixed taste in music of today.
I have realised when analysing this that, in my general contents, the text is the same font but in different sizes; I shall change that promptly and upload a newer version.

Sunday 17 February 2013

Contents Page Additions

 So far, this is my contents page and it seems to be coming together all the more. I've added print-screens of the additions I have done below.
Firstly, I added - in between the cover shot and the main feature - the issue number of the magazine, the '10th collector's edition' feature as well as who 'photographed' and 'styled' the shoots. These are all fictional but I find that they make the contents page seem further more realistic.
I also added a page number to the main feature of my magazine, so it would be easier for reader's to go directly to that article.
I also filled in the rest of the general contents part, which is mostly filled with real artists but I have also included some fictional ones of my own as well. I am aware that the font size varies; I shall make amends to that but for now this is somewhat like a preview.
Instead of having a 'concerts and competitions' feature, I decided to add something which fitted in with the magazine more, which was further more 'selling' the fact that it is a tenth collector's edition. So for this, I may add in what especially is featured for a collector's issue, what readers can get involved with and perhaps more artist's and competitions that tie in with the theme of this particular magazine.

Front Cover Finish (?)

I decided to add a few more subtitles to my front cover page to make the outlook more like an actual magazine that someone would buy from a shop. For now, I think I am done with this page as I have added all that I want to it, and I've kept the colours and theme minimalistic yet with an original appeal to it. Although there is one side that doesn't have anything added to it, I still think the cover is tied in professionally with the rest of the aspects/elements on the page, such as the masthead, cover model, main sell-line etc...

The three subheadings which I have added all tie in with the headings in the colour white, so I have made the subheadings red to draw in the reader and to create a sense of style. Although they may not be able to be seen properly on Photoshop, I printed out this cover to be able to see if I could understand the wording and I could; meaning if it was a real magazine people would obviously understand the headings when reading it.

Thursday 14 February 2013

Further Corrections

I find that, as I keep adding more aspects to my contents page, the more it looks professional. In this session, I decided that the 'concerts and competitions' part didn't have a good effect, so I deleted the orange box (I found it really unprofessional) and realised that I perhaps need this part of the page to blend in with my actual contents itself. Above this, I added the section 'names in lights', to make the page even more authentic to the masthead (I chose the name Lights to resemble stardom in the music industry).

On the bottom right-hand side of the page, I decided to add a lightly coloured background to my 'Follow us' section. I chose the colour blue because it fitted in with the rest of the page's colour scheme and wasn't too harsh on the eye, but at the same time it draws in the reader because it stands out. With this, I changed the font so it gave off yet more professional, retro appeal. I also added lines to draw off each individual section of the page, and added shadowing to the photos for a more effective outlook.