Thursday 24 January 2013

Simple Outline of Contents Page

For now, this is where I am going to place my features on my contents page. I tested out different areas in which I should place them as such, and this is my outline so far. At the top, I have added the Editor's Note, which is the same as my contents page rationale. I plan to keep the colours minimal, as  this ties in with the theme of my magazine's front cover with its retro twist.

On the bottom, I have created a 'Concerts and Competitions' feature, which probably would be featured in every month of the issue. I have made this tie in with Linkin Park's feature on my front cover, and have used my own images from both a Linkin Park concert as well as a trip to Paris.

I intend to gather more images of the cover model, as on the right, she will be have a rather big feature as she and her band are the main one. I have added a quote for added professionalism and the general feel of it being more like a realistic magazine.


From now, I am aware that my overall product needs to be finished in a few months, hopefully by the end of April. So, with this in mind, I now know how much time I have to do this product, and on a whole, I think that's achievable because I've now began my contents page.

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