Thursday 10 January 2013

Corrections on Front Cover

Taking my peer assessment from the class, I have  firstly made the masthead a lot bigger so it fits the whole width of the page, and through this I find that it looks a lot more like a professional-looking front cover. I haven't changed any font or colour however; I plan to keep this retro theme. Secondly, I moved the price of the magazine to just below the masthead, as in most magazines they are usually subtle, so I wanted that same effect, and with this it wouldn't draw attention from the rest of the magazine features. For the 'Collector's Edition' part, I moved it above the masthead, and kept the colour standing out against the latter, and made the font a lot bigger so the reader would know that this particular edition of my magazine is one to keep.

For one of my headlines, I decided to change most of the band names which I added on to the right-hand side of my magazine, and swap them over to the left-hand side instead. I done so because this particular headline  needed quite a lot of space, and with adding the names of the bands featured within my magazine just over the cover model's hand and a small part of her face, I haven't hidden any features of herself and I have made this aspect of the cover stand out as much as possible. I done this by adding the font, 'Copperplate' from and with using two relevant colours of red and white, I was able to create a significant theme which ties in with my overall colour scheme. Plus, I made sure that they were all aligned with one another; this made the outcome of the headline more effective and professional.

One of the last changes I made for now, was adding a black outline on the main-sell line. I done so because, beforehand, I thought that it didn't really stand out a lot against the model's jacket, even though the colours were different. By adding the outline, I was able to make the main feature in the magazine look important, and it also draws attention to itself too. Below, I changed the comment to a snappy and short sentence of "Rock Star Status" from my original two sentences. I found that this should draw in the reader even more because it gives the cover model a sense of place and professionalism. Lastly, I moved the barcode to the bottom-left corner and made it a lot smaller, so it wouldn't stand out and look too harsh against everything else featured on the cover.

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