Wednesday 23 January 2013

Inspirational Contents Pages

Not really knowing where to head with the layout of my contents page, I have researched four similar ones from music magazines, NME, Q and Kerrang. What is most appealing in my opinion, is the fact that there's a huge photograph on them all to hint at the main article/band/artist in the particular issue.
Another element which is most appealing is the editor's note in the top left-hand corner of Kerrang's contents page, with an image of the issue's front cover. I find that this subliminally makes the whole contents page tie in with the front cover; it's obviously meant to be a follow on, and I find that it's a great way of making the whole magazine come together.
I also really like the simplistic order of the main contents on the sides of the issues; their colour palettes are simple, but bold, meaning they stand out and are attractive to read as they aren't too overly powerful.

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