Monday 15 October 2012

Preliminary Task Analysis

Front Cover

First of all, I’ve used Microsoft Publisher to create my preliminary task. I’ve tried to make my college magazine as realistic as possible, staying within the design which I drew up for it. To begin, I used one of the photographs I took of myself as the front cover. I wanted to remove the background, therefore instead of using Photoshop, I used Microsoft Powerpoint as, because I don’t really understand how to use the likes of the certain software just yet, this other suggestion seemed better. With the background removed from the image, I copied this onto my magazine, adjusting any colour and contrast as well as positioning the model so it would fit the whole page, length-ways.
Secondly, I made the masthead, using font “Baskerville Old Face” in size 66 and made it bold and red. I done this because it made the title stand out from the background as well as the cover model, and also because the text looked professional enough for a educative magazine. Speaking of text, I created the main-sell line as well as another sell-line. I kept these in the same font and colour as the masthead to keep the magazine looking simple yet professional, plus the main sell-line was in size 40 and the smaller one in size 26. Keeping with the design of having red and orange colours, I created two rectangular shapes and made them orange, putting these behind the sell-lines so that they stood out a lot more. I made the outlines red too so that they fit in more with the text on the page.
With the more smaller text and relative information of the magazine, I changed the font to “Californian FB” in italics and font size 23, and made the colour black. This is because I’m sticking with the other main colour, black, plus I didn’t want to have too much of the same colours going on, so I think this colour breaks up the bright ones, as well as keeping the overall finish smart and professional-like.
Lastly, I added a barcode into the bottom-left corner of the page so it made it look more appealing and actually like a magazine cover. I also changed the background to a grey and white faded colour because I thought this was more appealing as well other than simple and plain white.

Contents Page

For my contents page, I’ve firstly looked at the layout. To create the four main ‘blocks’ of the page, I have divided them by using a rectangular shape and moulded it the width and length I wanted for each individual one, and made them both jet black, so this wouldn’t stand out as much as the main features in this article.In relevance to keeping the page as much to the design as possible, I’ve taken a photograph of myself facing the contents title, so subliminally the viewer can be drawn into what I am looking at. I made the image black and  white so that it wouldn’t be too harsh against the rest of the page features, and in my opinion, it still looks smart and fits in with the borders. With this image, the background has been taken out as well using the same feature of Microsoft Powerpoint for my front cover photograph.
Opposite this is the contents title and the issue number and year of release for this specific magazine. I’ve kept the same colour scheme; red for the text in the same ‘Baskerville Old Face’ font in bold like the front cover text, and orange for the box which I’ve made the text stand out against. Although this title is rather plain, I think that it subtly draws in the reader because the colours I’ve used aren’t too harsh on the eyes. Below this is the title, “This Month”, and again I’ve kept the same colour scheme. However, instead of using the same font, I’ve made this in WordArt, because I wanted to show a variety of text throughout the two pages.
Below the title, I have made the list of the main features and events in the contents area. The text has been kept black to keep the look smart, and the font is ‘Californian FB’ in bold italics. For the bigger text explaining some of the features in the magazine, I’ve made the text to size 30, instead of the rest of the text which is in size 20. This keeps the look of this area subtle yet peoples’ attention is still able to be grabbed by it.
The only thing that I've changed from my preliminary design is the bottom-left area of the contents page. Whilst creating this, I realised that it would be much more interesting if I included the Paris trip from July 2012 which I went on with the college. I’ve used two of my own images for this, including one of myself and my friends in Paris as well as one of the Eiffel Tower. I still kept the layout though of these images, especially the way in which they were positioned on the page. I kept the original colours and added a thick black border around each one, so they would fit in better with the rest of the borders.

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