Tuesday 30 October 2012


The equipment which I am going to use is first of all, my DSLR; a Nikon D3000 with 10 mega-pixels. I obviously already know how to use this to a pretty good standard, so I can obtain high quality images for my magazine's outcome. The second piece of equipment needed is my laptop, and one of the college's macs for in-college use. The third is my memory stick, so that I can transfer important images, fonts and even my own magazine pages across two different platforms to be edited when possible. When on my laptop, I need editing software, so I'll use Adobe Photoshop to create the best possible outcome for my product.

What I do not need however, is consent from my friends/family, as they aren't going to be on the front cover as I found this would be a time-consuming task and really, they may not even feel comfortable with posing in specific ways.

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