Wednesday 3 October 2012

College Magazine Draft Analysis

Front Cover

In addition to my college magazine draft, I looked at the styles of how other magazines are laid out, such as music and fashion ones. For this magazine, I want to keep it simple, therefore I intend on using three main colours, as shown in my sketches. These colours are red, orange and black. I chose these colours because they are rather similar, and don’t contrast too much, and the black keeps the magazine looking professional.The masthead will be red, which will help the magazine on a whole to stand out as it should catch the viewer’s attention. I also decided to make my sell-lines appear quite bold, so I've used two colours for these; red and orange. The orange contrast against the likes of the cover model for example, brings out what I am trying to sell and give to my audience in this issue. For the small text on the front cover, I shall make them all black, as this keeps the tones subtle, yet surely it still is enough to catch attention.I've photographed myself to be the cover model, as I found this was a lot easier and as it is only a draft, this is just an idea of what I may intend on doing in my music magazine. I used self-timer on my SLR so that I could get the needed parts of myself in for a medium close-up. The mise-en-scene of my look is very basic; because after all, I didn't want to create a very dressed up image for a college magazine.

Contents Page

For this part of my draft, I decided on using the same three colours again as much as possible on the page. I want to border each individual section of my magazine; therefore I want to add a black one to keep the look professional. To start, in the top left-hand corner, I am going to add an image of the cover model again, looking at the “This Month” title. I’m doing this so that the reader can see this and see what the cover model is looking at, creating subtle enigma.In the top right-hand corner, I am going to have the “This Month” title in orange as well as the “Contents” title in red with an orange background to make it stand out. I am also going to include which issue number that particular monthly magazine is. Directly below this, I am going to have the actual contents of my magazine. I want to include reviews of college, the main features in the magazine as well as college news and events going on. These will all be in black to show that I am keeping the look minimal yet professional.Lastly, on the bottom left-hand corner, I want to include perhaps a couple more images of the people in and around Bede and maybe even include some facilities and a term calendar behind these images. I will add some text to the bottom of these images, which could include the reviews of the college from past or new students.

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