Wednesday 24 April 2013

Evaluation Question Three

What kind of media institute might distribute your product and why?

Clicking on the above link should take you to an Animoto video which I have created to show, through a different form of media, the publishers and ways of distribution which could be used for my magazine.

IPC Media has been chosen as one of my media institutions because, after researching their company, I realised that they were the publishers of NME; this particular magazine has been one of my most important inspirations. They also publish many women's magazines too, like the famous fashion-weekly, LOOK magazine. So it's definitely suggestive that my own magazine could be published by this certain institution.

The second media institution that could possibly publish my magazine would be BAUER Media. They publish the very popular music magazines, Kerrang! and Q. These two magazines as well have been some of my most important inspirations throughout the construction of my own music magazine; therefore I find that this particular company could possibly publish mine because of the appeal to a good variety of audiences as well as the ability for both genders to be interested in such as well.
This is partly due to the fact that they publish both men and women magazines, such as Closer and Grazia, plus for men they're the publishers of Kerrang! (A usually more dominating male-themed magazine because of the music genres featured plus the colour palettes).

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