Friday 30 November 2012

Front Cover Inspiration and Ideas

Confused with where to head next for my front cover layout, I have researched some modern magazines and logos which have a rather retro appeal throughout their looks. What attracts me most to these is the originality; I know I want my masthead for example to be in a bright red, with a rather simplistic yet old style font. Like the Slam Dunk Festival logo, I was really appealed by the quirky and original style of such; it has given me a lot of inspiration further for the look of my magazine's front cover.
The theme, I want, is definitely old rock and roll, but with a range of different artists. I find that NME and Q have this appeal in their style and layout too; they're minimalistic, but because of their choice of colours, they give off a retro vibe.
The other element which really appealed to me was the fact that most of these magazine covers have their model in a close-up shot, which emphasises their persona, so I find that I may use this in my own magazine layout.

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